It's all about priorities...
Khym and I shagged like minks for the first two years, averaging a bit over 7 times per week (even though at times we didn't get to see each other every day). Then various life things (back injury, moving cross-country and getting new jobs, acquiring children, et cetera) knocked us down to 1-3 times per week.
This frequency went on for about ten years. It turned out that neither of us was happy with the drop, but both of us were too busy keeping the household going to take the necessary time to think it over and communicate effectively. Once we quantified what was going on, and how it was affecting our quality of life (sex being one of the activities we both enjoy immensely), we made the effort to bring it back into the forefront.
Since then (for the past 7 years), we're back up to over 7 times per week; if we miss a day here and there we definitely make up for it. We're both still as enslaved to our libidos as we were when we first got together.
We've seen the more common phenomenon (lots in the beginning, a tapering off, then the dissolution of the sexual relationship and often the whole relationship) many times amongst our friends. Seems that candid conversations about sex, and sexual needs, is a very hard topic for most folks to master.
Matt (and Khym)
"The only real blasphemy is the refusal of joy."