This sort of thing isn't restricted to school environments, although the feeling is certainly heightened by them. You're still figuring out what to do with your life, having to prove yourself constantly and all without the comfort of your childhood friends and structures.
I've been feeling kind of isolated at work lately. I'm the only one in my department, with no direct supervisor and almost zero feedback on my work. Our office is open concept, so I overhear everyone else's successes, failures, and teamwork swirling around me. Yet I have nothing to contribute or take back from this. So I sit and plug away at my tasks and struggle against the fact that it's easier to shut out the rest of the employees than engage them. Easier but ultimately stifling.
I also see though, that the reponsibility to reach out is mine alone. It's up to me to ask to join others for lunch or take an interest in the projects I overhear. Why would someone else reach out to me if they couldn't see me?
My advice would be to focus on action more than conversation. You have to share some activities before you have anything to talk about. And if you're truly feeling too unmotivated and lazy to take part in a club or volunteer, try attending passive events like public lectures or walking tours in the area. Play tourist, discover the place you're at and you'll start to feel at home.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life