I recommend Honda. I had a Prelude, and the only reason it died is because I was young, stupid, and only changed the oil once in 20K miles (kicks self again). My step-mom also had a Prelude, and the only reason she sold it is because my sister and I got too big to fit in the back seat.
If you take care of it, it will run forever. I have a Saturn right now, and my next car is going to be a Honda. I'm not going to buy American again, as my family, friends, and myself have all had problems with different makes and models of American vehicles, but no one I know has had major issues with a Honda.
One thing you'll want to make sure about the model on CraigsList is that the way it's described, I'd think it was suped up some, and if you want something quiet, you probably wouldn't get that from a suped up car. Also, you're looking for a convertible, but this particular vehicle has a sunroof, which is also very nice. I miss having a sunroof (had one on my Honda, but my Saturn doesn't have one).
Don't trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die. Oh wait, that's me... nevermind... you can trust me.