Originally Posted by Ustwo
I can only hope that the most liberal candidate wins and that the Democrats continue to vilify Bush.
It is the recipe for Republican victory.
Edit:Side note McCain Lieberman would be fun together, and almost guranteed win though I personally have issues with both.
Yeah, Ustwo, I am with you....you summed it up eloquently....it is a recipe!
I admire you for what it must take to make a post like the one you made above. It seems so similar to the post that you described making two years ago, as you posted a couple days ago on the "What happened to TFP?",
thread, over in "Members Playground":
Originally Posted by Ustwo
While arguing about what should be posted and how on politics has nothing to do with the decline of TFP I'd like to point out that politics has never been a place for original thought.
Before the 2004 election, I posted I thought Bush would win, and what the democrat reaction would be. I was almost right on the money as it turned out. It was something original, no links, just my opinion based on my knowledge of politics. Rather than discussing it, or telling me I was wrong, I was called a troll, in fact one long time poster told me to get Karl Roves **** out of my mouth (thats a quote)......
....and I responded there with the post at this link:
.....pointing out that, even after you received a sincere, timely, and public apology from the member who offended you, you still were affected enough by that incident,two years later, to post the remarks above.
Now, let us review the federal spending for the last eleven years. Six years of democratic control of the presidency, with the republicans in charge of the house, and 4 yrs. and 11 months of total republican control/budget management:
<a href="http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpdodt.htm">08/18/2006 $8,500,932,047,599.16
<a href="http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdhisto4.htm">09/28/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06</a>
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
It looks like the "Dems" ran an $833 billion deficit, during their 6 years, and the "repubs" have run up a $2,693 billion deficit, in 1-1/2 months less than a most recent, 5 year period.
Is that the "recipe for Republican victory", that you're describing, Ustwo?