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Old 08-19-2006, 01:39 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FoxyLucy
I am being pestered two or three times a week by a certain company, and don´t know how to deal with them. It´s partly my fault as the first time they called I listened to them, as I was interested in what they were selling -mobile ´phones - but decided it wasn´t for me. Since then, I have told them that I´m not interested several times, but seemingly to no avail. Any ideas?

It´s NOT in my nature to be rude, so ´F%#k off and leve me alone´ is a definite no, nor is it in my nature to hang up. Tonight I answered the ´phone, told them I was busy and to ´phone back tomorrow - I´m out tomorrow, so I have a temporary reprieve.

It´s really annoying me now, so any solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Hello..... Oh your with MCI,cool , My sister used to work for you guys, Marine Capture Institute right, yeah she hated having to take those seals from the mommys, you know seals are actually Mammals, just like you and me, but they dont have fingers they have fins, I have this wart on my finger they say you can use duct tape to get rid of it, I tried and it didnt work so I bought some freezing type stuff, really hurts to use it, never try that,works well on bugs though, I took out a couple cockroaches with it, man those things are nasty, we have like, a thousand of them in the kitchen which doesnt bother me that much, its when they get in my cereal that pisses me off, I eat raisin bran usually and its hard to know there in there till you feel the crunch, they are bitter and smelly when you eat them, I suppose theres protien there though, niot my idea of a balanced breakfast, oranges are though, love my oranges but never really understood why they named 'em after a color, not very original if you ask me..........keep going as long as you can, do not allow them to say a word, after 20 minutes or so dismiss them with...... Oh. Im sorry, your actually trying to sell me Long distance arent you...not interested have a nice day...Click.

-OR-....for the less talkative amongst us

I'm sorry, this is a buisiness line, please do not call again.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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