It appears something very similar to this alleged plot occured back in 1994.
"Yousef planned to blow up a dozen U.S. airliners over the Pacific and even carried out a test bombing in December 1994, smuggling nitroglycerine onto a Philippine Airlines jet in a contact-lens solution bottle.
The explosive detonated near Okinawa, killing a Japanese man after Yousef had gotten off the plane in Cebu. The plane landed safely in Okinawa."
and another artice better describing this scenario,
"Security officials got a glimpse of the future in 1994, when al-Qaida operative Ramzi Yousef smuggled explosive nitroglycerin onto a Philippine Airlines flight from Manila to Tokyo in a contact lens solution bottle. He hid the bomb under his seat, rigged it to go off about four hours later and got off the plane at an intermediate stop.
The explosion -- a test run for a plot to bring down as many as a dozen airliners over the Pacific -- killed the passenger who took Yousef's seat and forced an emergency landing in Okinawa. Yousef and the other plotters were arrested before they could launch a full-scale operation."