Originally Posted by kofspades
How do you take good pictures of the moon? Do you use a zoom? Adjust ISO, etc? I'm a total n00b when it comes to photography. I'd like to get better and I love the moon. Just wish I could make it my subject more. Thanks for the tips.
Depends. Whats your goal? Moon alone? A shot like Chamaeleontidaes? Moon shots aren't easy because the light comming of the moon is bright. For a really good shot you almost have to meter for the moon seperate of everything else. If you meter for the landscape the moon will just be a severely overexposed dot.
For a shot like Chamaeleontidae, I would have done 2 exposures rather than edits on the same one shot. Would have one metered for the moon, and one for everything else, and then combine them in PS. Or you can cheat. I have a few shots of the moon taken at 1000mm. I would just resize them and slap them into the shot, much easier that way. lol