Originally Posted by stevo
Can someone tell me which ones are the right ones to like? I haven't received my talking points memo yet and without it I'm soooooooo lost.
I suggest shooting a quick e-mail to Coulter, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and company, meanwhile, I'll shoot one over to my people and by mid-morning we'll have our stances.
Hold on..... this just in my mailbox.....
"While we here at Leftist Central believe that graham crackers serve a purpose to the people, we have to question the exact nature of said item. It isn't truly a cracker... nor is it a cookie. Based on being created by a Reverand, we have decided that the religious right must most definately be using them to brainwash people. Thus, untill we can investigate further, we will suggest refraining from the digestion of these items..... Sincerely, your friends in Leftist Central."
And this:
OOPs wait there's a commercial pop-up... how timely, a Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Cracker commercial.
"Friends, as you know I, the loveable El Rushbo, like my graham crackers with milk..... they are coming under fire now, by those atheistic, leftist radicals, who would have you believe that these crackers, and yes, they are crackers, are items from the religious right out to corrupt your kids into believing in God. I think we should all buy up as many boxes as we can and show these radicals a thing or 2...... btw I'm pleased to introduce my newest sponsor.... Nabisco's Honey Maid Graham Crackers...... Sincerely and Mega Dittoes.... and don't forget to resubscribe to 24/7 Rush..... this month's special only $24.95 but you get a box of tasty Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers with a paid subscription."