Originally Posted by dlishsguy
sorry to spoil the party jimmythehutt, but you went off a tangent and miscontrued what i was talking about.
what i was talking about when i said ideals of the party, i was talking about the ideology of shiite islam and not the political goals of hezbollah itself. seeing that 100% of hezbollah is shiite, its only natural for the shiites in general to be supporting them based on religious lines. so like i said.. most if not all shiites in lebanon are 'hezbollah' based on their beliefs and ideals within the religious scope.
That doesn't change that what I said was an accurate assesment. Those that support Hezbollah also support their tactics. When I refer to supporters, I mean countries, organizations, and idividuals that provide any level of support. This support allows Hezbollah to carry out their political goals using ruthless tactics. None of their supporters express any sort of concern over the tactics they use, while decrying less vicious tactics employed by the Israeli's. Without a change in that attitude and a change in Hezbollah's approach, a just a sustainable peace is simply unlikely.
Veritas et Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt