Being a good friend of mine was heavily influenced by this, I'll share it.
The Bosnian War
Bosnia and Herzegovina both were split into multiple ethnically based factions, each feeling they are the one and only one to represent the people. To make matters worse, they all "flip-flopped" around with their ideals as we like to say here in the states.
The precedence to this war stems around the issues in Croatia and Yugoslavia, but it still is not officially stated whether this was a Civil war or simply a outright attack of war from within.
Either way over 100,000 people died in a matter of 3 years, and over 1.8 million people and families displaced from their home country.
A good friend of mine and her entire family were forced to move here out of fear, and her father was placed into concentration like camps that were no different then that of the Hitler days.
This all took place between March 1992 and November 1995.
This is recent history to prove what Gilda spoke of.
Bosnia today still is not what it use to be, but it is peaceful enough to be visited. My friend and her family still go back about twice a year to visit the family members they had to leave behind.
What a sad world....