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Old 08-10-2006, 08:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
Bush & Blair Knew & Both Went on Vacation; Is the Code Red Terror Alert Legitimate?

Britain on red alert

By Jane Perrone / UK news/ World news 02:23pm

Had it gone ahead, the alleged terror plot to blow up transatlantic flights in mid-air would have lead to a loss of life on "an unprecedented scale", the home secretary, John Reid, has said.

As a result of the heightened terror threat, passengers at airports across Britain are facing flight delays and cancellations as police tighten security. You can keep track of all our coverage, including details of the latest travel restrictions, here.......
The interesting thing here is the overwhelmingly skeptical tone of the reaction to the "news" the comments posted by readers, below the article......Is the actual "crisis", about a terrorist plot. foiled by alert and able authorities, or about the loss of trust in and credibility of the national leaders in the UK and the US....Blair and Bush?
<b>Chertoff: Disrupted Terror Plot 'Suggestive of Al Qaeda'</b>
Thursday, August 10, 2006

WASHINGTON — Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Thursday credited interagency coordination among the federal government and with British authorities for stopping a terror scheme that the secretary said is "suggestive of an Al Qaeda plot."

Meanwhile, the White House is calling the plot to blow up commercial flights in mid-air a "serious threat" to the United States and United Kingdom. President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke overnight and last weekend as British intelligence discovered the scheme was imminent, Bush spokesman Tony Snow said. <h3>The two held phone calls while Blair is vacationing in the Caribbean and Bush is staying at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.</h3>

One senior U.S. counterintelligence official told FOX News that as many as 50 people were involved with this plot, which the official described as "the real deal." So far, 21 people have been arrested and British authorities say the "main players" are in custody......
Foiled Terror Plot — Intelligence Victory?
Reaction on GOPUSA Forum:
London Police Disrupt Terrorist Plot to Blow Up Aircraft in Mid-Flight
What I'm presenting here is the wide chasm between those who accept that the elected administrations in the UK and the US have foiled a terrorist plot to blow up airliners in flight by sneaking liquids past airport screeners and on to planes, to be mixed into powerful explosives that are then detonated......

......and those who strongly suspect that this "alert" has more to do with distracting the masses in both countries from then events of the day (middle east foreign policy fueled violence, for example....) by "terrorizing" them with this absurd, "foiled plot" tale, with the goal of scaring the maximum numbers of potential voters, at the height of the summer travel season, by trotting out the first general, color coded, terror warning escalation in the U.S. since.....the months preceding the last U.S. federal elections.

IMO, the timing of this disclosure is very convenient to attempt to reverse the polling numbers results that show deterioration in the confidence of the electorate, in president Bush's party's ability to "keep us safe" is US officials who are linking this "plot" to al-qaeda.....just in time for a maximum impression to be created on the minds of potential voters during the kick off of the new campaign season.....after nearly two years of no terror alerts.

I wonder, if this is the "real deal"....why both Bush and Blair, "jetted off" on vacation, on the eve of the announcement of a partially foiled plot that is so potentially dangerous that it cripples all major UK airport hubs, and elevates the terror alert in the US, after a long period of relative quiet?
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