Originally Posted by Zeraph
Marriage is based in politics/government, don't let the fairy tales and propaganda fool you. But again, don't take it the wrong way, I'll probably get married some day but the person I chose to live my life with won't be because some judge said we could.
I don't think I can agree with this at all. While marriage isn't for everyone (and/or isn't NEEDED by everyone) you can't really call politics or propaganda into play on this one. Marriage have existed for thousands of years. They've taken differnet forms (religious, civil, etc). Sometimes it was a court official that could do it, othetimes the captain of a ship. Sometimes the local priest or witchdoctor, other times someone else. This changes over time, but the basic principle stays the same.
Originally Posted by BOR
No..please do. I find your take to be fascinating, and not at all inacurate.
Consider even television commercials. When I was a kid, they were s l o w m o v i n g. They told a story. Now they're fastaslightningwithimagesliteralyjumpingoutatyouevery1/4second. Talk about overstimulation.
Wow, wish I'd read this earlier... but yeah, you and I seem to agree on the basics of this matter. It's funny you mentioned telling a story. I don't find movies, especially, to be very full of story these days. If they are, it's usually a cookie-cutter story in the chick-flick scene. What is the "story" of Fast and the Furious? What about XXX (Vin Diesel)? Most action movies barely have any plot at all, let alone an actual story. People go to see "hot" actors and actresses, explosions, sex scenes and violent action. I admit it, I do the same thing. It actually disgusts me a little bit, but at the same time, it's now habit.