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Old 08-05-2006, 10:25 AM   #140 (permalink)
Soylent Green is people.
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Location: Northern California
For the record I haven't combed over Titor's information or predictions yet ... I will when I get a chance.

As far as the "physics" goes I'd like to see a REAL schematic of his machine ... not just illustrations that communicate more esthetic information than technical info. I used to be a researcher in physics at Lawrence Berkeley Labs before I became an MD. I'll go through his website to see if there's anything there.

I'll let y'all know what I think. I'm skeptical but open-minded, too.

After inventing the first time machine far beyond the abilities of the greatest minds and budgets in science/technology in the world today
and with all he's learned from Earth 2036,
I'm disappointed this man still can't manage to make clear, high-resolution digital images.

BTW - has this man brought back any "stuff" from 2036? Like some of the latest PDAs or gizmos? Or does he have an explanation of why that's not possible. Remember, any argument based on causality falls apart because he's already in violation of causality by being able to go back and forth in time.

Like I said, I haven't read his stuff yet ... I'm just giving you my initial impressions.

If he can tell us the results of the next 12 World Series I'll be 100% convinced.

I read some of his stuff ... nothing I didn't expect. What's the purpose of being cryptic unless you are unable to be specific? And, as far as his political commentary, he's not saying anything that hasn't been said by other folks before ... the only difference is that he claims to be a time traveller.

One thing I know about sociopaths (and I've talked with many of them) is that they take advantage of other people's desire to believe in oddities. The year is 2006 ... I must've missed the US Civil War of 2004 ... or was it 2005?

Last edited by longbough; 08-06-2006 at 03:52 PM..
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