Originally Posted by krwlz
If you were but a bit closer man, I'd offer to send you my hardback copy, you could read it, and send it back to me. Provided you were kind on books that is. I enjoy sharing my books, its just the few that have come back to me broken and bruised, and or not come back at all that bother me.
thanks...but I've gotten myself neck deep into the new dune books... pretty good stuff
I know what you mean... 99% of the time books I've read dont even look like they've been read... dont crease the spine or fold the pages or anything... occasionally on a camping trip or something the odd book will get a lil messed up... but nothing too bad... especially a loaner book...
and yah he does have a pretty twisted mind... a couple books ago it seemed like he was getting a bit preachy...but that seemed to lighten up in chainfire