Shakran, our government has never worked well when a single party held the executive and legislative branches. Less well, if the judiciary takes one more tip to the right.
The voters have a history of splitting the branches so that no one party is unchecked, and it is possible that will occur in November. Some may view that balance between Dems and Reps as a "do nothing" congress, but it seems we have that now, anyway. My experience has been that a balanced representation among the powers of government does "nothing" unless there is bipartisan agreement. I can't think of anything better at this time.
I know I appear to be off topic, but I believe that the concerns you expressed may not have a solution in the current imbalance of our government. I would love to be wrong and see moderates from both parties start taking some responsibility and challenge the executive branch, but it is an election year. I don't trust either side at the moment to be working for the good of the country.
The best start for getting us back on track, imo, is for the House to go Democratic in it's majority and the Senate remains Republican. We are only just beginning to see the court challenges addressing the "universal" presidency, and there will be more to come. It is anyone's guess how these decisions will affect 2008.
The worst thing that can happen under this presidency is to have another Supreme Court opening. Roberts and Alito have already shown that they were not forthcoming during their Senate approval process. Why should they be, under the current "rules?"
I am as impatient as a person can be at times, but political changes are measured in years and sometimes decades usually. Once in awhile, the is a public sea change. Perhaps the tide is shifting this year.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
#1 - Does this apply to U.S. citizens or not? If not, then I don't care. 'Our' freedoms are just fine.
#2 - You act as if this is the worst thing to ever happen in terms of 'lost freedoms' in this country, which is hardely the case. Look up the Civil war and WWII for starters. We did just fine.
"We" being who exactly, Ustwo? Would that be inclusive of white men only? I don't believe our citizens of Japanese ancestry during WWII would find your above comment to demonstrate anything other than arrogance and ignorance.
Do you ever feel any shame for some of the things that come out of your mouth?