Remember that 49% (well, probably closer to 51%) showed their outrage in 2004. The level of outrage is what's important. I'm pissed about a lot of stuff, but am I pissed enough to attack military bases and corporiate buildings? Not unless I'm Tyler Durden. People are meek. It takes a shit load to get people to act. What would it take? Have you seen V for Vendetta? Yeah, not enough. Have you seen Star Wars Episode 4? Yeah, still not enough. 1984? Pfft, yeah right.
I don't see anything changing, save for a cataclysmic and sudden loss of a majorty of the lives in the country. People are too stagnent and lethargic to act anymore (possibly myself included). Edit: Oh, I forgot stubborn. Some people are damned stubborn.
Last edited by Willravel; 08-03-2006 at 06:26 AM..