Originally Posted by Toaster126
Pornclerk was much nicer than I am going to be.
Fuck you for endangering others around you for your own selfish reasons. Driving while sleep deprived is just as dangerous as driving while drunk. Some studies actually say it's worse.
Umm.. Thanks. I guess what I really meant by "Irresponsibility aside" was this:
If you dont have a suggestion pertaining to the actual nature of my question, shut the fuck up and hit the back button.
BUUUT, thanks for all the rest of the suggestions guys! I need to buy a harmonica....
For those of you that said loud music... I'm guessing SlipKnot and Slayer would work huh?
And I will be sure to find this thread the first time I'm able, and let you all know that I didn't kill anyone, myself included. Won't probably have internet access while at the beach (hell, at the beach why would I want internet access?) but first chance I have I promise I'll update.