Originally Posted by dksuddeth
This is you 'spinning'.
Not a refutation.
This is you spinning faster.
still no refutation.
And this is where you've spun completely out of control.
Still nothing to counter any of my arguments (because there is no counter that will fly logically), but you sure are managing to be rude as hell aren't you? That's a GREAT way to get people to see things your way. Insult them, and I'm sure they'll all immediately convert to your cause.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Kindly point out where it says you NEED to be in a well regulated militia to have a gun. If you CAN, then we know who's inventing imaginary exclusions.
Kindly inform us as to why they would mention a well-regulated militia if it didn't have SOMETHING to do with the bit about bearing arms.
We've had this conversation before. I theoretically proved it could be done.
No, you didn't. You indulged in a wildassed fantasy and then got upset when noone believed you.
It's being proven in the real world today, as we type.
Where would that be?
blah blah blah blah blah. Once again you've spun out of control.
And once again you're replacing logical, well thought out - hell even partially thought out - arguments with being a jerk. That's certainly no way to convince anyone.
Is this how you win arguments face to face? take a logical argument or point from someone, stand it on its ear, then call it illogical poorly conceived, and tell that person he's nuts? tsk tsk.
You might have a point there if your arguments were grounded with logic in the first place. And I have yet to say that you're nuts.