Originally posted by XXXs
How can anyone be upset with keeping more of their hard earned money? I just don't get this.
Who would you rather trust to spend your money, the government or you?
There hasn't been a tax cut that hasn't helped. Sure, it may not be right away, or have a large impact, but they always help.
As for the so called experts (Greenspan), he only said that the tax cut was not needed due to the improving economy. At the next fed meeting, he backed off the position that the economy is improving. I'm no expert, but if the reason to not have a tax cut is because of an improving economy, which may not be improving as well as expected, maybe we need another stimulus package.
i dont agree with it because the government needs money to function, taxes pay for things to get done. if the money was say put to good use like schools or health care it would stimulate the economy much more
or even using teh money to directly creat jobs, not wellfare but workfare, people who cant find work could have jobs created taht need to be done, there are schools which could use a new paint job, (creat labor and stimulate paint production) roads need repaving, litter needs to be picked up, we can pay people to buitify parks (more labor and helping the farmers, (flower farmers))
there are better uses for the money.