What an extremely emotionally charged poll/question...no matter your answer at least some will disagree with you...some so vehemently it may be considered outrage...
I'm going to take a swing at it...I like some/most men am basically hetero but have entertained at least a curiosity about M2M sexuality. (though most men won't admit that) I've had numerous friends in the gay/lesbian community so I feel familiar with the subject as well. A fairly high percentage of the gay males and females I know are certain in their conviction about gender attraction and either have been all of their lives or have more recently identified that attraction. (for lack of a better word) I have no problem believing that is a genetic signal rather than choice. There are those I've met that have made a conscious choice about gender affiliation that I know as well...some because of traumatic events in their lives such as sexual abuse, others yet due to the symptoms of affective or emotion disorders resulting in low self esteem or debilitating insecurity. There are still others that consider themselves bisexual and because of that determination are shunned by both the gay community as well as the hetero community...it seems more an asexual choice but undeniably these people are attracted to the same sex as well.
In a nutshell I'd have to vote say (JMHO) that both elements of the poll are true to some degree...
I'd like to add a note to those using religion as a sword in their attack on sexuality as a whole...other than adultery, sexuality only became an issue in the last 300 years and only in Judaeo/Christianity...
Fear not living...fear instead never having lived!
Last edited by swmnkdinthervr; 07-14-2006 at 07:38 AM..