Whoa, wait a minute? Blacks don't get their asses kicked for being black? Since when? Women don't get harrased or assaulted because they're women? Where the hell do YOU live? You know what? Sometimes white guys gets their asses kicked for being white guys, too. You know what? Sometimes being a straight, middle-class American male isn't a perfect existance either. That higher education at Michigan STATE University? I know three honors students with VERY high SAT and ACT scores that got bumped because there weren't enough new student slots. That SAME year there were inner-city black kids going in as freshmen that were dumber than dirt. (I'm sure there were white idiots, too... this isn't about whites over blacks)... so the SMART kids that might make more of themselves DON'T get to go because they aren't black? Yeah... white men are never treated poorly. There's NO SUCH THING as a perfect society. Why do you think hippie communes didn't sweep the nation. There's no such thing as a truly equal society. It has never happened and I honestly don't believe it ever will. Sorry to burst your bubble.
People do get testy about being denied equal rights under the law.
Hmmm, crazy... what are you denied that's a constitutionally protected right? Oh that's right... nothing. Not employment nor housing. You live somewhere, right? You have a job and earn money? There's nothing, last I checked, in the Bill of Rights that says you are required to not be looked at in a bad light by some people. What about straight white girls that are denied the morning after pill because of religious biggotry? It's wrong, but it didn't happen to some odd minority.
Gays and lesbians fall in the same category as mexicans and blacks, in my book, from a minority standpoint. You can't constantly insist on being equal (the same) while constantly trying to prove how different you are. Blacks want free college and better jobs and better housing, but many don't want to work for it. This is emphasized by the HIGH percentage (per capita) of black welfare recipients that have five kids and use their welfare money (not so easy with the newer bridge cards, albeit) to buy crack and liquor. Sure, it happens to white people, too... but it's not as prevelent overall. Illegal immigrants are the same way. They want to come here, but not do it legally. They want to work, but not pay taxes, and then get free healthcare and protest OUR government for the "mistreatment" they receieve. How is that right? Gays and lesbians (some, not all) are in the same boat. Many falunt the difference between being gay and being straight, and then wonder why people look at them differently. You know what? Minorities will ALWAYS be looked at differently. Try spending time in Japan as a Westerner. Yes, you'll generally be treated well, but not always, and people will often stare at you. You can't just go over there and date any old Japanese girl since many have father's who'd rather have family members die honorably than have a daughter marry a white guy (especially an American). Sure, it's not ALWAYS like that... just like you haven't ALWAYS been turned down for a job or housing or a raise or education. Everyone gets the shaft sometimes by some people somewhere. Get over it.
I find your quotes amusing, Gilda. The first, I don't see how it's applicable. It sounds like tolerance and acceptance are what you think is right, but you aren't patient for it to happen? The second is just a sad truth. Better to be discharged for being gay than for beating your wife, I'd think... As for the third, well... it's Jon Stewart. I don't know the context of the quote, perhaps it was more humorous in context. Are you offended by all gay jokes on the principle that they are gay jokes? I think anti-white jokes are often funny, despite being white. I also think many feminst anti-male jokes are amusing, often because they're true. So? The last, well... I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think many people are "afraid" of homosexuals, military or not. Some people aren't accepting because they weren't raised to be accepting. It's only partially their fault. Some people get over it over time. Also, any soldier who says that aren't afraid of guns, bombs capture or torture are liars or dumbasses. It's not about not being afraid, it's about doing your job, regardless. It's a lot like being a teacher in innercity Detroit or Los Angeles. *shrug*
At any rate, I jsut don't get "minority" argumnets for the most part. For every time you've been slighted for not being straight, I bet I have for not being female, not being black or not being something else I'm not. EVERYONE has people who are biggoted against them. Life goes on, Gilda...