If you're in your late teens or early 20s, laying off for a couple of days will definitely make you itchy, a lot more interested, and maybe (not necessarily, if you know what you're doing) faster to come.
But when I was that age, masturbating once a day didn't cut down my sex drive in any meaningful way. Though I did myself every morning, I was more than ready to do somebody else in the evening. Like somebody else said, I lasted a little longer. That was it.
Everyone's sex drive is different, but I think that if you cut it back to once a day _consistently_ you'll be horny enough. And if you consistently do it in the morning, you'll be consistently more intense by evening.
As for what is _absolutely_ too much masturbation -- when you start rubbing raw spots on your member. I once dated a woman whose ex had a _really_ strong sex drive -- and a career in the Navy on nuclear submarines. Underwater for months at a time. She said he'd jerked it so much he'd had to have skin grafts.
Last edited by Rodney; 07-04-2006 at 04:30 PM..