If you don't feel comfortable bringing it up with her, try a more subtle approach at first.
Try eating more fruits and drinking a lot of pineapple juice. If the taste is the problem then she might notice the change and revert back to her old habbits. She might also ask you why you've changed your diet, and you can reply that you read it can improve the flavor/experience of oral sex.
If that doesn't work, you can make a small assumption that it wasn't a taste/texture/whatever issue and you should approach the subject if it still bothers you. When talking to her, just keep in mind that oral sex is really a favor, and one that should be appreciated. If you ask her directly, yes, she might interperet that as pressure. One indirect method would be to engage her in a conversation about likes and dislikes about your sex life. If she queries you back, tell her you find it erotic when she swallows. Then ask her how SHE feels about that action. Don't use terms like used to, or bring up the past habbit. Just treat the issue like a normal discussion.
Don't read too much into a change in her habbits without examining what else might have changed in your own. It could be a number of things and the only way to know for sure is to open a line of communication with her that she feels comfortable with. It could be that she feels the same way you do about something in particular and doesn't want to bring it up. I.E. something has changed with you and she no longer wants to swallow. Or it could be that she never did enjoy it completely and just did it because she wanted to make you happy. Now that you've both become more comfortable with eachother, she no longer feels like she has to "go through the trouble" to swallow, however she doesn't want to make you feel bad by explaining she doesn't like it as much as she led on.
Either way, try adjusting a few things first, and if all else fails, just bring it up the best way you know how.