Originally Posted by oracle2380
My unit Commander clearly stated our reason for being here: To plant seeds. Seeds of trust, and respect, two key cogs in the fight against terrorism.
Doesn't that strike you as being propoganda? Sadam Husain was bad news, but his power was diminshed before the Second Gulf War. If I were a betting man, I would have put money on a revolution within the next 25 years in Iraq without foreign interference. Of course that bet couldn't have existed, because Iraq has been a hotbed of foreign interference for decades, and it still is. Sadam Husain was not a threat to the US. We attacked the legitimate government of Iraq and defeated them despite the fact that no on in Iraq asked for our help and they were not a threat to us. Now the US has set up a govnernment (of wealthy elite Iraqis, BTW) that still ultimately answers to us. Rome, anyone? While the Romans brought roads and technology to the nations they conqoured, they also brought tyrany. If we were liberators in Iraq, then why are we, the US, building perminant military bases? Why are those bases so close to oil pipelines?
I also have to ask...what does the war in Iraq have to do with terrorism?
Originally Posted by oracle2380
The problems we face here are not, for the most part, from the Iraqis socially, but from the insurgents 'joining the fight' from elsewhere in the arab world.
What percentage of insurgents are Iraqi, and what percentage are from elsewhere? Do you have access to reliable statistics?
Originally Posted by oracle2380
I can tell you this:
2. We are accomplishing something good, despite your feelings in regards to the administration, and you can't put value on that.
What about the value of innocent human life? Do you know how many Iraqi civilians died in the initial attack? How are their deaths leading to a good acomplishment? Are the means really justifiable by the ends?
Originally Posted by oracle2380
3. The Iraqis want us here, we're helping them remember.
If they want us there, then why are 2526 American Military officers dead? Why are 18,490 wounded officially (which is actually a lot closer to 45,000)?
Originally Posted by oracle2380
4. If we leave now it will only cause more instability in the region, and that is bad.
There already is instability in the regoin. There has been for decades. Our presence in Iraq is feeding their civil war.
I can understand that soldiers want to feel that they are accomplishing something. I really can. I can't understand why so many people have to die in a war started under false pretenses.
Originally Posted by oracle2380
-Support your troops, because in the end everything we do is for the betterment of the greatest nation on earth.
I support those who are willing to accept that no one is perfect, and that we are responsible for our mistakes.
Oracle, take care of yourself. No one over here, whether pro or anti war, wants to see anything bad happen to any of our troops. All I ask is that you know the UCMJ, the Geneva conventions, and the other various treaties, laws, and rules that apply to war. A war without morality is a war already lost.