Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
The internet and any type of long distance communication has allowed me to deepen friendships across oceans and continents.
What's to blame for lack of close friends more than anything is people lack of tolerance to bad or poor behavior. While one doesn't need to surround themselves with assholes forever, I believe we tend to dismiss friendships easily forgetting that long term friendships are difficult to cultivate.
Also, people do not like to reveal themselves to their friends, how does one deepen a friendship if all you ever talk about is the weather, and same old same old when asked how have you been after 2 years?
I hadn't considered what you say in your second paragraph. I don't think I'd even consider attempting to make friends with someone who was behaving poorly. What would be the point? I want to have friends so that I'll have people I feel comfortable interacting with on a casual basis.
Your third paragraph is a catch 22. I've been puzzling this for quite some time and do not see any way around it.
Originally Posted by Xazy
how many internet friends would you give 4k to (in total it was 6500)? how many internet friends will you travel 8 hours on a storming night in a car for? most friendships that are solely internet based will never make it to that level, if ever, compared to the normal type of friendship. To me a friend is not someone I just jibber jabber with, or hang with it is a level above that.
I gave those examples since those are a few things that I have done.
None and one. That one is more than I have away from the internet.