Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Can't forget that a wounded Al-Zarqawi slithered his way into Iraq following the invasion of Afghanistan, pre-Iraq invasion.
Into a region uncontrolled by iraq's government.
Originally Posted by irateplatypus
you made that up. Bush never linked 9/11 and Iraq though he has repeatedly (and justifiably) made the case that Iraq harbored terrorists and possessed the means to arm them with WMD.
Are you sure? Maybe not bush, but definitely rumsfeld and cheney. Shit, even after bush went on record explicitly stating that there was no connection between 9.11 and hussein, cheney continued to imply that there was.
If we can recover 500 shells after Saddam's removal we can reliably assume that either:
1) his control over his arsenal was never complete
2) he had weaponized chemical compounds available to slide to jihadi groups under that table.
I could see 1, but i fail to see how we can reliably assume #2 based on the fact that what amounts to decade+ old expired wmd's buried in the desert.