Originally Posted by pan6467
If you look at the industry their P/E is roughly 5% higher than the industry average.
Please by all means invest your money into a company with at this moment in time a 30 P/E........... please.... invest your whole savings.... by all means try to prove me wrong about P/E.
I said before, the P/E relative ratio is 23.8, while the P/E ratio might be 30, when taken together you get more information. the 30 P/E doesn't look so bad.
Originally Posted by pan6467
(I think you'll see Apple fall to around 45-47/share before the next year.... but I maybe wrong.)
well the open interest for a Jan 2007 put option with a strike price of $55 is over 30000, there's considerably less interest (9000) in the $47.50 put. The market doesn't seem to think its going to drop that far.
Originally Posted by pan6467
And again, this WASN'T just about Steve Jobs, it was about CEO's and what they are doing to their companies by using these tactics to avoid paying taxes. (And yes, it is to avoid paying taxes..... NO ONE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET NEED TO MAKE OVER $200 MILLION A YEAR...... HOW MUCH DID APPLE MAKE IN THOSE 3 YEARS?????????????????)
envious much? - what gives you the right to dictate how much someone should make? In the three years that Jobs held those 10million shares valued at appx. $600 million Apple's Net income was $1,680,000,000. Again, how did jobs avoid paying taxes if he walked away with on 54.2% of what apple "paid" him?
Originally Posted by pan6467
He made $600 MILLION in 3 years, that's $200 million a year in those 3 years.... how much did Apple make? How much did they pay investors on the dividends????? How much of a percentage went to pay the worker bee? And how much as a percentage went into ONE MAN'S POCKET??????
nothing in dividends, but investors weren't buying the stock for dividends so that moot. If I bought 100 shares of apple in 2003 @ $9/share and sold today, I would have made $4,100 off a $900 investment over 3 years. Not too shabby. Thanks Mr. Jobs.
Apple's costs of goods sold since 2003 is $19,875,000,000 - Thats 19 BILLION, 875 MILLION dollars Apple paid people for goods and services related to manufacturing and selling their products. Thats money that goes to the workers' pocket.
That's what I thought.....