Originally Posted by Leto
One more thing to be wary of: I recently received a new client card from the Royal Bank, which is the same colour as my Visa, instead of the old blue colour. I accidentally stuck my visa into the bank machine, thinking it was my client card, and withdrew $100 for petty cash. This of course ended up as being a cash advance on my Visa. Cash advance transactions start charging interest from the moment they are withdrawn or credited. I transfered money back to my Visa immediately upon discovering my mistake (within 45 seconds of the withdrawal) but it still cost me about $7 in interest! So don't be dumb like me. It's a good thing that I read my chit, otherwise I would have walked out of there, oblivious!
$7 for taking out money and then re-depositing it. Go to a teller and tell them you want your money back.That's a rip off
I only use TD for a line of credit and a small account I have for savings. My credit cards are with CIBC and American Express. I don't have much patience for TD bank. Was a long time client with mutual funds and various investments until they finally pissed me off for the 100th time. I pulled everything out and said bye bye.
It didn't help their cause also that they froze my bank account 5 times when after the first time it was made clear to them that they had the wrong person and wrong account, something they acknowledged the first time it happened. Nothing quite like being on vacation in the US and the quant bistro a little out of the way doesnt accept Visa or American Express and your bank has frozen your debit card for the fifth time.Morons
Hope you have better luck