Host....Pay Attention
We have (or had)...only one thread in this entire forum focused on the good things happening as a result of this war. Your own personal dissatisfaction is well known and understood by the community that frequents TFPolitics, and you are certainly entitled to it.
That said....your hijack of this thread is inappropriate, and transparent, thought I will let this stay here just to prove a point. Should you feel the need to take over a thread in the or changing the topic completely to suit your personal aganda, there will be no Public statement as to the acceptability of your actions, it will be thru PM and wont be pretty.
It is now up to the membership to put this thread back on track....should Host decide he wants discussion on his post....he will simply need to start a thread.
Do Not Hijack......Period
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha