Originally Posted by Gilda
Would it be appropriate to refuse to - service a car with an anti/pro war bumper sticker?
- service a car with a Jesus/Darwin fish?
- fill a prescription for contraceptives?
- fill a prescription for female hormones for a male customer?
- rent an apartment to a gay/straight couple with excellent credit?
- give a good grade on a paper that was well-written but promotes a morally offensive point of view?
- serve a Muslum/Christian/Jewish couple/customer at a restaurant or store?
- rent a hotel room to a mixed race couple?
Under what circumstances is it appropriate to refuse service based on moral objections?
*Car servicing... most people use small business owners for such...I have 7 bumper stickers on my car one saying "Get A Taste Of Religion... Lick A Witch" I have never had a problem... my money means more than my point of view it seems.
*See above.
*One never knows... I was on "The Pill" for nearly 10 years to control bleeding so severe I almost died... I wasnt having sex 90% of the time I was on it. How do they know why you are taking it?
*Perhaps this customer has a severe hormonal imbalance? Sometimes female hormones are prescribed for violent male sexual offenders to curb their testosterone overload.
*How do I know they are gay? Maybe they are just best friends? Shackin up saves a butt load of cash! So what if they ARE gay? I am sure they will give you great fashion advise and teach you how to dance for craps and grins. Homosexual people make awesome friends!
*Teachers take diversity training and if they cant handle the job and the heartache it brings they should GET OUT. The class room is NO place for a role model to teach intolerance, kids get enough of that in the real world.
*Who cares what religion someone is?? They came to the restaurant for food not a mass! I being pagan face christians every day at the bank... I ask them often how church was and the sermon. I do not think less of them for their faith. It is a choice and no reason for me to hate them....
*Mixed race couple.... SO? I may not date someone of a particular race for whatever reason, but if Susie wants to date King Tut I am not going to lose any sleep over it. More power to her and they can STILL come to the neighborhood BBQ... TOGETHER.... WITH their children if they like...
If people spent as much time worrying about themselves as they did worrying about what everyone else was doing and why the world would be a much better and more understanding place.
Live and let live, die and let die. Just please dont get any blood on the carpet... its not easy to get out.