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Old 06-16-2006, 02:11 PM   #11 (permalink)
Sky Piercer
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Location: Ireland
yeeshh! That gives my the jibblies!

There's no way I would get this done. I wonder what happens when you have a piece of metal stuck in your eyeball for twenty years? Can they get infected or anything? These things are permenant right? At least with tatoos, you can cover them up, and are usually gotten in relatively discreet places. But can you imagine going to a job interview with a lump of platinum stuck to your eye?

As for government regulation: I would be against it. It has passed medical trials with no apparent problems and with no further evidence to go on, it seems that there is no reason to ban something just because it makes you feel squeamish. People should be given all the information available though; that the trials were only for a year, and the procedure has only been going on since 2002, and hence long terms effects are not yet known. That way people can make up their own minds about whether they want to take the risks.

The only thing in favor of regulation I would say is to prevent youngsters getting the procedure. I don't know what the law in the US is for getting tattoos but I think that over here in Ireland it is something along the lines of ilegal for under 16s, over 16 but under 18 you need a parent present. Perhaps something similar for this eye jewelery is a good idea?
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