It's basic, honest:
When you build muscle, essentially what you're doing is tearing muscle fibers and then they scar, building up more muscle fibers. That's why you should only be doing the same exercises every other day, rather than every day: your muscles need time to heal those tears.
Low weight and many reps is best when you want to tone and strengthen - women would prefer this method as we generally don't want to be bulky, and it's best for rehabbing injuries etc. Helps burn more fat too.
High weight and low reps is for bulking up. But no one should be doing this solely. If you're looking to build up, you need some basic elements:
-high weight and low reps, yes,
-and also more protein, less fat (to assist in replenishing muscle)
-cardio training (what good is it to have muscle mass your heart can't support?)
-CORE STRENGTHENING (abs and back muscle - pretty and cut muscles are useless if you can't support them in your center of gravity)
Don't forget - diet is as important as exercising. Try not to aim for immediate results - in fact, be suspicious of that idea. True gains in health are gradual and related to changes in your habits. Sudden changes rarely stick.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.