Originally Posted by ratbastid
stripped away all the bullshit that you've said that you are--and then INVENTED who you are in the space of nothingness that arises from that. -snip- It's amazing the places you can get when you start from "I am a liar."
Yes, I know what you are saying, rat. I've been there... am still there, in a sense. I stripped a lot of bullshit away during my year living in Iceland... and that was 5 years ago now, and I've barely gotten anywhere since then. But I know I'm more real than I used to be, even when I am feeling shitty and down on myself. I hold on to that, when I'm tempted to start lying to myself again.
Is it possible, though, that some people don't really lie to themselves, that not everyone needs to strip away all their bullshit? Are there some people who just don't HAVE bullshit piled up on them? I'd like to know.