Originally Posted by NoSoup
I agree with everything you said except "Fundamentally, that's the lie that telling the truth about will set us free."
I'm not sure if I agree with you on this, as I'm not really certain what being "set free" entails. I would find it absolutlely incredible if someone lived their lives in accordance with the "complete truth." I believe that conciousness practically requires humans to lie to themselves on one level or another - otherwise, people in general may find life is far to bleak and hopeless.
But what if that bleakness and hopelessness is just another story we tell ourselves about what would be left if we give up our justifications and reasons--just another reason not to tell the truth? When you give up that lie, there's not bleakness or hopelessness, there's just
nothing. An empty canvas, ready for the creation of a new future. That's TOTAL freedom.
On the other hand, I don't believe that lying to yourself is necessarily a bad thing, either - as long as you stay within the realm of contructive lies. I firmly stand behind the "fake it 'till you make it" philosophy, and generally if you live the life of the person you want to be you'll eventually become tht person - or, more accurately, you'll be faking it so long and so well there will be no difference between the facade you put up and who you actually are, providing that you stay within reason..
Yeah, but YOU know. It'll never be the real deal for YOU. And you'll never have the power and the freedom in life that you'd have if you really told the whole and complete truth to yourself about yourself--stripped away all the bullshit that you've said that you are--and then INVENTED who you are in the space of nothingness that arises from that.
This is pretty conceptual, but it's the work I've been engaged in heavily over the last several years. It's amazing the places you can get when you start from "I am a liar."