New Hampshire: No Helmet Laws, No Adult Seatbelt Laws, No State Income Tax, No State Sales Tax, 3rd in the nation for tech jobs, 2nd in nation for being business friendly, pro small government, the only state to reject a smoking ban. It basically lives up to it's motto - Live Free or Die... (the major downside is they are red sux fans... and obnoxious about it)
and in the past few years, the location of the
Free State Projecta
The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent, that government exists at most to protect people's rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else.
Kind of exactly the type of society i would like to live in .... but that's not why i live here - I live here because my employer told me to move here, and i'll be moving again in the near future to where my next employer tells me to move...