I agree....in particular with Halx...do you take offense as in get angry or upset, or is it just irritating to you?if its the latter you are maybe just possesing a more 'matured' sense of humour.
this reminds me (bit off topic) of a night a couple weeks ago i was at a friends house for a gathering,people were drunk (and other things) and talking alot about life as often happens in this sort of setting.
they were talking about how wonderful humankind are, how we are brilliant andd have done soem wonderful things and how we have th power to do anything...
now the subject matter isnt the point here, buit i disagreed with them completely...i think humans do some terrible things and ido not beleive we have any power as such in the way these folk were talking...we cannot stop the cycle of life going the way it always has..I just felt like i didnt fit because i disagreed.
I realise now it does not particularly matter!but at the time i was thinking 'bliddy hell am i an outcast among these people or what!'lol