Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
This is correct. It is much less common for a male to be honsetly bisexual than a female. Don't remember if I've ever seen anything suggest why this may be the case.
I'm curious if this isn't just because of the societal view of male homosexuality vs. female homosexuality. If you're on the spectrum (not at the extremes), that means you could be happy either way, and if society is more OK with females experimenting bisexually than with men experimenting bisexually, then wouldn't it make sense to see more of the women actually acting on their urges, as opposed to the men who would be less likely to do so, seeing as they still have a viable option in women and society would look down on them much more? I think this explains difference between the female and male spectrum (although i'm sure it's flawed in some way, and someone will point it out, I just can't see it right now).
As far as the question goes, I like Will's answer, I definitely think it's not a choice... I just don't know why it's not a choice. Biological? Environmental? Psychological? Who knows.