Originally Posted by xepherys
Sticky- I may not choose who I think is attractive, but I don't think it's part of my genetic makeup... that's the point I'm trying to get across. Like MEAD says, if you can show me the genome that makes a man like men or like women, or a woman like a woman or a man, or makes a guy think about boning a sheep or makes a girl want a threesome or a gang bang, I'm going to call bullshit on "born that way". Sometimes choices are made without THINKING about them. You do it all the time, every day.
Maybe so, but "not born that way" doesn't mean choice. Psychological association, trauma, whatever can have an impact on things.
Besides, we can't even point to which genes make a person tall, which is relatively straight forward, let alone which might determine more complex things like intelligence or sexual preference. Would you say that being stupid is a choice?
Not only that, but there have been numerous studies studies that have pointed to differing brain structures, differing unconscious physiological reponses, etc. that are shared by homosexual individuals. Do you also contend that these differences are by choice?