Originally Posted by willravel
The latter - sort of. Though it's against my nature, a police officer or police officers that would enter my home on false acusations (I don't drink) after I've politely asked he/she/them to leave several times is going to be in physical danger from me. I don't have any guns (you know better than most), but I am not completly defenseless. If I get him/her/them out of the house, I simply lock up and tell them to come back with a warrent (giving me time to hide my drugs, guns, prostitutes, and missles....jk). No matter who wins - and I don't expect to win in the traditional sense - my lawyer would probably put up a damn fine self defence and BOR defence. Wiht enough media attention,and civilian uproar, the Cal Supreme Court would be under considerable pressure to reverse it's decision. The reason I would be doing this isn't rooted in self defence but in princeple. I love the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I have pledged my aleigence to them (just like the police), and I intend to do what I can to defend them. I don't like the idea of laying down when faced with tyrany. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII when Europe, Asia, North America and then eventually the rest of the world was in real danger from tyrany. While I only fight as an absolute last resort, under a few circumstances I see it as being a necessary evil.
David Koresh tried that in Waco. It turned out poorly.
Randy Weaver tried it at Ruby Ridge. It turned out poorly.
The FBI and BATF were proved to have lied repeatedly and extensively in each case. Did you see ANY of them go to jail for perjury? Did you see Janet Reno tried, after she "took full responsibility" for Waco?
Bush was not president at the time, BTW.