I knew a guy who is/was a research scientist at Yale. He had developed a creme that causes the melanin to react and darken, so it was a way of creating a natural tan as well as a natural sunscreen. Haven't heard from him in a while... [insert sounds of Google searching]
Yale Scientist Invents Cosmetic Melanin, Liquid Melanin Moves Closer To Marketplace
"We were motivated by the thought that melanin naturally protects our skin from cancer induced by ultraviolet light. Perhaps, we reasoned, synthetic melanin would do the same," he says. "If we could design a melanin that produced a natural-appearing tan, we believed that people might be attracted to the product through its cosmetic qualities and simultaneously apply a sun-protectant, affording them added sun protection and potentially reducing the incidence of sun-induced skin cancer," hopes Dr. Pawelek, a cancer biologist who studies melanoma.