Searched the forum, found nothing.
I have a user who has asked me if our corporate Symantec AntiVirus 10.x has a featured to "cache" already-scanned e-mail attachments in Outlook (We do not have MS Exchange and instead POP3 our e-mail from our host). His computer is very low powered and it's causing him grief.
From all of my dealings with SAV, I don't think this isn't possible. Each time they bring up the e-mail in Outlook, the desktop NAV scans the e-mail.
This brings up another question for those of you who do use SAV: How do you increase performance on your workstation PCs? I tend to:
- Limit scanning to a list of certain file extensions (which seems to grow daily!)
- No network scanning (We have the server scan itself)
- Only scanning certain drives
Anything else I could do to A) cache already scanned e-mail attachments or B) Increase real-time scan performance in general?