Got one of those comming up as well, behavior interviews that is..
and finished another one a few weeks ago..
I'm try to land a tech job and any big company seems to want these.
The first one i had was for CGI and it went smooth... and i was told that i passed it and put on to the 3rd interview level (technical ) which i also passed..
as for the behavior interview though.. they both seem to be the same sort.. cept Accenture is a bit more detailed.. They outline a senario and you need to tell them what you would do and provide them with examples of how you have been in simular situations in the past. ie: a teamate is not pulling his weight on a project what do you do? You and your teamate disagree on how to approach a problem what do you do? etc..
right now i'm waiting on the closing interview for one company and the behavior for another. i swear these corp. interviews are going to make me insane.
good luck with yours.. my next one will either be tomorrow or the next day.