I've considered that, but I would much rather not involve any personal relationships.
I'd much rather keep things simple and stictly a business relationship, rather than having mucky waters with friends/family.
Also, I'm looking only for investors - I would much prefer that I handle the business by myself, simply because I trust my knowlege of the market and the area.
However, I understand that it may be difficult to find an investor that is basically just willing to trust me to control their funds without them having any say, but I would imagine I am more likely to find that person if I look outside my network of friends/co-workers.
The nice thing is, providing that they are willing and able to finance the majority of it - although I do have some cash set aside - I would be happy to split the profits 50/50 with myself earning 50% and the investor(s) earning the other 50%. Because I won't be obtaining financing through a typical lender, I will have much, much more freedom in choosing properties and negotiating the sales price, so I would imagine that within a few years, they would have doubled their initial investment, providing things work out of course.
At that point, they would of course be able to continue their investment if they like, but eventually I'm hoping to reach the point of being able to finance the properties by myself, or at least a portion of them.
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...