I don't worry so much about my kids' images being captured on film. I think it's largely situational. I mean, some creepy dude in the back of a beat-up white van with a telephoto lens pointed in their direction might prompt a call to the police department...

Otherwise it really doesn't bother me. I have inadvertantly gotten pictures of strangers (children included) when shooting my own family or pretty scenery. No one has ever said anything to me about it, but then I'm pretty obviously harmless. (I usually have at least six kids with me and one in a snuggly on my chest. It's obvious I'm taking pictures of MY kids and don't really care overly about theirs.) I don't mind posting my kids on the internet, either, as evidenced by my wonderful website.

My kids are 1500 miles away from their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, so the internet makes a handy way to keep updated. I can't control who sees those pictures and I can't prevent their misuse - and believe me, that really does bother me in a very primal, "mama-bear" type of way. But my actual kids, themselves, are not being harmed and it's just a fact of life that I have to deal with as a Mom with a website... I think the pluses outweigh the minuses. And as long as my kids aren't getting into cars with strangers or walking off into the bushes with camera toting tourists then I'll get by.

The vast majority of children who suffer through abuse, neglect, molestation, or kidnapping are victimized by someone they KNOW and TRUST - a family member, friend, or authority figure. SO I take a deep breath and tell myself that I'm being paranoid and weird, then move on with my life.