I don't even know if anyone looked at it, but...
Spoiler: Ok, so the correct move is 1.Qa6. I know, your thinking thats crazy but hang with me for a second. It's crazy because it looks like it should be followed immediately by Kxa6, however this would be a mistake by black because Kxa6 allows 2.Kc6 and now black has no way to stop 3.b4 4.b5 mate. After 1.Qa6 black has another option Kb4 white follows with 2.Qd3 this limits blacks king to one available move Ka4 but this is followed by 3.Qc4 mate. Black has has to move the knight, even with the check however white follows with 3.Kc6 and black has no way to stop 4.Qb5 mate
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.