Originally Posted by highthief
Why do some Americans feel teh need to console themselves that they were somehow "duped" into going to war, as if the US is so superior to every other nation that ever went to war for money, politics or just being pig headed?
I think the true conspiracy is by the conspiracy theorists who feel the need to make excuses for how their countrymen were fooled into supporting an invasion that, in hindsight, many more people are now pretty uncomfortable with.
You got attacked. You got mad. Made a few jokes about Islam and the French. You invaded 2 countries, one justifiably, one not. Now you're stuck.
Well in our defense, we've always mae jokes about the french. 
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!
I am the one you warned me of
I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.