>>>Does that knowledge actually serve a useful purpose?>>>
Well, I grew up with my family playing trivial pursuit, so trivia about geography helped my self esteem a bit and my family reunions had people climing over each other to have me on their team. But yeah, trivia has weird odd uses, but not in every job. Sometimes my trivia gets me into trouble as people think I make stuff up and are mad at me ! Other times if I am in a chat room and that chat room is a world wide one, then my world geography does come in handy with making temporary friends and acquantances too. If the person in that room chatting is from a city called New Orleans and I know zip about it, then they might think I was self centered and didn't care about Louisiana at all.
"We are sure to be losers when we quarrel with
ourselves. It is a civil war, and in all such
contentions, triumphs are defeats." Mr Colton