I think Canadians and Americans have some similarities, but we have many differences. You won't find much flag waving, in your face patriotism, but don't let that think we are not proud of our country and for what it stands for. I really like the fact that we are recognized around the world as a peaceful, caring, welcoming society with all the freedom to do what we want and when we want to do it. Every country has its warts, and we certainly have ours, but overall I can't think of a place I'd rather call home.
Thanks Mom and Dad for immigrating here!
Originally posted by Mondak
I used to think Canada was our ally and our friend. Now I think they are becoming more and more self interested and less interested in the common good. It disapoints me.
Imagine that... a country exercising it's sovereignty. Last time I checked we were a free and independent country, able to do what we like for any reason we want. (Much like your country does). It makes me happy.
Originally posted by Mondak
As far as actual folks from Canada, I like 'em. Every one I have met has been a pretty good egg.
I feel the same way towards your folks