Said it before, people are dancing around, i'll say it again: if you threaten a police officer with a weapon, you WILL and SHOULD be taken down IMMEDIATELY. Being bound to a wheelchair is not an excuse for threatening an officer with a weapon- and to suggest otherwise is pure stupidity, in my opinion.
I'm confused that no one is thankful the stupid bitch didn't hurt or kill anyone before being tasered- which DID happen after a good degree of "talking down" that was unsuccessful. I'm shocked that people give two shits about this total moron who put the lives of her family members, and members of our police force in danger. And YES, waving a knife around is dangerous, wheelchair or not- note that a person in a wheelchair is more often there because their LEGS don't work, not their arms.
Being a police officer is a dangerous job. Those people put their lives on the line EVERY DAY because of stupid cunts like this one- people who don't give a fuck and do stupid shit that puts police officers in danger. I hate the word cunt, and I hate using it- that's how pissed I am about people bitching at the cops. You may not like them because you've been busted for smoking pot, they ticketed you for speeding in your yuppie sports coupes, or pulled you over because your stupid negligent ass lets your little kids run free inside your SUV or minivan- IN TRAFFIC... but they do a hard job, trying to keep things safe. Every profession has corruption, every profession has people with poor judgment. Some people need to get off their high-horses, pull their heads out of their asses, quit trying to monday-morning-quarterback the damn thing, and stop being so goddamn negative towards ANYTHING having to do with cops.