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Old 04-28-2006, 11:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Pizza Girl in NYC on May 10

This thread was pre-approved by tecoyah

The movie I produced last year got into a film fest in New York, and I'm pretty excited about it... any of you New York TFPers wanna go check it out and let me know what you think? Would love to hear your feedback.

Pizza Girl , an independent feature film by Brian Murphy and starring Amy Wray (produced by Frank "the Tank" Pokorny and Robb Norton) will appear at the New York International Independent Film Festival in New York City/Village East Cinemas Wednesday May 10th, 2006 at 10:10pm.

Please pass info on if you know someone in NYC that may be interested in attending.

*visit to view movie trailer* film fest website

PIZZA GIRL follows Delilah (Amy Wray), a pizza delivery driver, on her last day of work. She juggles the usual assortment of oddball customers while trying to tie up loose ends with the people who depend on her. As a tough and aging hipster, Delilah provides a breath of humanity to people who can no longer see themselves in a media-drenched world. Writer/Director Brian S. Murphy uses stunning visual style and skillful storytelling to make PIZZA GIRL deliver an edgy, yet touching tale about overcoming personal stagnation and maintaining relationships despite the digital residue of a world infatuated with superficial images and consumption.

"Score one for the amateurs. Eugene filmmaker Brian Murphy invites us to ride shotgun with Delilah (Amy Wray, a seasonally depressed twenty something pizza delivery driver whose nights are spent schlepping lousy pies to a dismal assortment of druggies, shut-ins and walking wounded. Rather than dwell on bohemian ennui, Murphy emphasizes the humanity in his characters by having them make positive connections and try, somehow, to pull themselves out of self-imposed paralysis. He comes up with imaginative visual solutions to jazzing up his low-budget production, boosting it far above similar efforts by his cut rate cohorts. More than anything, "Pizza Girl" offers ample evidence of a writer-director who could actually create something of value if decent money was to be flung his way" -portland tribune

"A hipster version of Amelie. That said, it's a darker, more sardonic tale about a young woman (a pizza girl, in this case) who goes on a mission to save her customers from themselves. See this locally produced indie film for the message: Yes, even hipsters need to grow up. And it has cool special effects-one character is totally pixilated throughout the film, until he finally stops isolating himself by obsessively playing video games."-portland mercury
This is a feature length film that was made for under 12,000 dollars, including our equipment costs (camera/crane/dolly/etc) and I'm amazingly proud of what we managed to accomplish with that. And no, Pizza Girl is not a porno. I always clarify that because during production every time I pitched the movie for sponsorship/funding the first question I was asked was if it had any connection to the John Holmes film "Pizza Girls." It doesn't, no connection, no inspiration, no nothing. The movie would probably be rated R for language, drug use, and adult themes, but there's no porno/nudity and only moderate violence.

Feel free to PM me with any questions, and do let me know if you go see it!
I'm swimming in the digital residue of a media-drenched world. It's too cold.
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